Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dr. Page Answers Questions

Dr. Frank Page has answered the questions that were given to Dr. Floyd at Total Truth.

It is good to see that some one is not afraid to answer questions in the blogging world. However while it is encouraging it also shows the issues with this whole process. This does not speak to Dr. Page but to the process. When questions are answered they invariably raise more questions so that things can be clarified. But here we are just weeks away from the convention and we truly do not have a nominee and know little about either man put forth so far except for endorsements, press releases and some short answers to some probing questions. All this to say much more would be nice but probably is not ging to happen this year.

So we nee to rely on prayer and to realize that the sovereign God of this universes is also in control of the SBC. I would hope that the issues raised by the process this year will be answered in the future so that when it comes time to seek the next president we can truly know who they are and what they stand for.

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