Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ronnie Floyd statement on his nomination for SBC President

Ronnie Floyd has posted a statement with regards to his nomination for President of the SBC.

Relating to the whole nomination process I have heard it said that regardless of who is nominated that a person should be nominated much earlier than about a month before the convention. How is anyone supposed to be able to look into who they would vote for. Another issue in the process seems to be how is one to know who is nominated unless they get on the internet. If the nominations were earlier then the SBC could send out profiles and allow people to pray and investigate who they should vote for. Most importantly they can pray consistently over this issue rather than show up that weekend and find out who is running and then have short obligatory prayer and then vote.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. You may be interested in this:

    See Tad's top two entries. Disappointing...
