Monday, January 15, 2007

Update on Drs Mohler and Kennedy

Update on Drs Mohler and Kennedy

I am a little late on the news but Dr. Albert Mohler was released from the hospital. Over at the T4G Blog they have shared the following:

Dear Friends of Southern Seminary:

I am very pleased to share with you that a short while ago Dr. Albert Mohler was discharged from Baptist East Hospital in Louisville, KY. After a two week hospitalization that included extensive abdominal surgery and a four day stay in the Intensive Care Unit due to pulmonary emboli in the lungs, he and the family are overjoyed to be home. This, indeed, is welcome news and a much anticipated milestone in Dr. Mohler's recovery.

Please now pray that Dr. Mohler will gain the rest and strength he needs while recuperating at home in the days ahead. As you may guess, he is eager to resume the full rigor of his Presidential and ministerial duties.

The Mohlers are deeply grateful for the many prayers that have been offered and the expressions of concern so many of you have shown over these past couple of weeks. On behalf of the Mohler family, thank you once again for the Christian love and support you have shown them.

Jason K. AllenExecutive Assistant to the President
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
2825 Lexington Rd.
Louisville, KY 40280
(502) 897 4121

With regards to Dr. Kennedy, the Coral Ridge web site said on January 11th:

As of Wednesday morning, January 10, Dr. Kennedy remains hospitalized in stable condition. He continues to receive treatment and therapy as his doctors anticipate a full recovery. As has been reported earlier, Dr. Kennedy suffered heart arrhythmia leading to cardiac arrest on Thursday, December 28. He was given CPR and admitted to the hospital. He has since improved. On Wednesday, January 3 he underwent a procedure to implant a pacemaker/defibrillator and continues to make progress. We are so thankful for your prayers and encouragement! Please continue to intercede on Dr. Kennedy’s behalf for a complete recovery and for his return to his normal ministry duties.

Please continue to keep both men in your prayers.

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