Sunday, February 18, 2007

More on Amazing Grace, the movie

If you are planning on going to see Amazing Grace, well even if your are not, there is a study guide on the movie at the movies website: (be aware that depending on your connection it may take a little time to download the PDF). The first part of the guide is good as it will give you some idea of the people involved in the movie and I am guessing that while many may know of John Newton few will know of William Wilberforce. All too often the fact that Christians were wrongly involved in slave trading overshadows the great contributions Christians, such as Wilberforce, played in stopping slave trading.

My prayer is that people will see the effects of true conversion and the part the cross played in the lives of Wilberforce and even John Newton. If you study the lives of both these men it becomes clear that they truly understood the depth of their sin and it was this understanding that allowed them to truly see the mercy and grace of God as it truly is. Again I pray that this comes out through the movie.

Keep in mind that no matter how good this movie is it is not the next great evangelistic event as so many movies have been touted as but I think it will be informative and if true to the men’s lives it portrays may show in some small way God’s effect on people’s lives through the cross and Christ’s substitutionary death for His people.

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