Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Reminder - The movie Amazing Grace comes out Feb 23rd

As a reminder, the moving Amazing Grace comes out February 23rd. It will be interesting to see how they show Christianities part in William Wilberforce's drive to stop the slave trade that England had such a large part in. I am always a little leery about promoting movies as they often fall far short of what they can be but this one is about a person that I dare say very few people know anything about, and should. I would hope this movie may help to inform us of our Christian heritage and to show people the influence Christianity had in the abolition of slavery.

Below is a trailer for the movie. If the trailer runs slow on my blog you can try it directly here.

If you want to read some more on Wilberforce you can do so in John Piper’s The Root of Endurance. You can also listen to an MP3 on Wilberforce by John Piper here.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice blog...thank you for the info on Amazing Grace,,,,jim H.
