Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2007 Family Integrated Church Conference - Houston

I will probably repeat this reminder a few times over the next few months so it is not just my fading memory that is showing itself if you see this again.

There will be a FIC conference hosted by Grace Family Baptist Church October 26-27 in Houston. My family and I are going and are throughly looking forward to it.

I can not say enough about how much Matt Bullen at Grace has been an encouragement as we move along in starting Sovereign Grace Christian Fellowship here in Southern California. As I have written on before Donna and I spent a few days with the Bullen family lat February and it was not only a great time of fellowship but we also were able to try and glean what we could from GfBC and how they are ministering to families in a God glorifying way. We also got time while there to speak to one of the other Elders, Paul Renfro, and his family, which was also very helpful.

Again check out the GfBC site and read about the conference.

1 comment:

  1. Heya Tony!

    I hope to see you there, we will be heading up to the north side of town to attend and meet old friends. We had the honor of hosting the Renfros in our home for a time when they first moved to Hourton, he is a wonderful fellow. Matt and his family are incredible folks too, as you know, and its going to be a good time to see them all again. Despite the fact that we are all in the Houston area, its a LONG way to that side of town from our side of town.

    We'll look for you guys, I'd love to meet you and your family.

    Best regards,
