Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Around the Web and Blogosphere

Timmy Brister has provided a list entitled : A Chronological Survey of the Calvinism/Arminanism Controversy in the SBC in which he has links to the various articles that the list references. You can also go to his site – Provocations & Pantings for the link as well.

Tom Ascol has again submitted his resolution entitled: 2007 Resolution on Integrity in Church Membership. Let’s hope it is taken as seriously as it should at this years SBC Annual Meeting in San Antonio June 12-13.

Over at The World From Our Window there is a post entitled, You Tube Tuesday: Creation Museum Highlights that are about the new Creation Museum in Kentucky.

Here is information from Voddie Baucham on the SBC Education Resolution 2007. I would encourage you to read all of what he has to say before making a judgment on the call to remove our children from government schools. I am sure that this will not be popular for many but often the correct thing to do is not popular.


  1. Howdy Tony,

    Where can I find an copy of the resolution? The link the Bauchman has is not the resolution but an article about it. I pray that it comes to the floor for debate this year. The resolution committee will do the convention a harm if they keep trying to push this under the rug.

  2. I have added a link to a new post and I have e-mailed you a copy.

    Grace and Peace,

