Sunday, June 10, 2007

Establishing a Multi-Generational Vision of Faithfulness

Scott at These are the Generations of….. is writing on Establishing a Multi-Generational Vision of Faithfulness and so far in part one he has set down the need that is glaringly evident. I am looking forward to part 2 to see the solutions and methods he proposes as at the end of the day it is not enough to recognize a need unless we do something about it and that is where the rubber meets the road so to speak.

We would all do well to look at this topic with regards to our families as so often, and I am guilty of this, we just tend to plow along trying to do the best we can without any deep thought put into it. However, it is when we go to scripture and discover what we are called to do and then plan a biblical course of action that things are done in the most God glorifying Christ exalting manner.

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