Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Around the Web and the Blogosphere (7/11)

Pope Benedict XVI has some interesting comments with regards to who the true church is. Reformed Baptist Fellowship has a post on this; “Outside the church and there is no salvation” as well as a link to as article on yahoo: Pope: Other Christians not true churches. Looking at a number of blogs today this topic is on many of them. Personally I think it is good that the Pope is espousing what the Catholic church truly believes as for two long what has been said publicly often does not match the various councils decrees. At least now there is a basis for conversation and that basis is in knowing where both sides stand.

Christianity Today has an article: Gospel Riches that reveals how the property gospel has each Africa. I would have to say that anyone that has glanced at TBN should have seen this coming. Here is a quote from the article:

"[The prosperity gospel] is the most sweeping movement within the continent of Africa," says Dolan. "The African people at large in the church have bought into it hook, line, and sinker. It offers tremendous promise to an economically deprived people."

Over at Matt Bullen’s blog there is some good reading from J.C.Ryle: The duties of Christian Parents, Part1, Part 2, Part 3

As a reminder there are two Family Integrated Church conferences coming in October. The first is in Phoenix, AZ by The National Center for Family Intergraded Churches and is the “Uniting Church and Family” conference on October 12-13. The other is the First Annual FIC Conference at Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX on October 26-27

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