Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Around the Web and the Blogosphere (8/1)

Here area a couple good sites for sermon MP3s. The first one has a number of sermons by Paul Washer, and others, which are very good. You can find these at: Uncommonly Powerful Preaching. The other site I have linked to before but is worth repeating is: Reforming My Mind-MP3s

I have been visiting this site recently largely due to the series it has on Church Planting: Reformed Baptist Fellowship

I was led by Scott over at These are the generations of…. to read Mike Ratliff’s blog – Possessing the Treasure. The call to the church to repent is a message that needs to be heard more and more today as it seeks to find its way by every other means than God’s word.

At Reformation21 Rick Phillips shares about his visit to the annual Christian Booksellers' Association (CBA) convention in Atlanta this year. Here are a couple observations he makes and you can read the rest at: Christian Booksellers Association Convention

“It was also striking to observe the Christlessness of the Christian Booksellers' Association. The vast majority of it is about you.”

“Okay, I really was shocked by one thing. That was the way that worldly sensuality is starting to permeate everything evangelical. (After all, it sells!) It was utterly shocking to see that the award given for best children/youth book went to one titled Sexy Girls.”


  1. Hey Tony,

    I'm glad to see you suggesting the "Uncommonly Powerful Preaching" podcast site. I've downloaded several great sermons from that site. The only thing people should be aware of is the downloads are HUGE...35-45 MB for what is usually a 15MB file. The owner of the site says that is a function of the people who host the site and he's been unable to make the files any smaller. So...make sure you have highspeed internet before attempting a download!

    Get Serious Blog

  2. Yea, the files are big but the quality was better than some that I downloaded from SermonAudio. I think it is the method you use to shrink them that makes the difference.
