Tuesday, October 30, 2007

GfBC Family Integrated Church Conference 2007

Over the next few days, or so, I will be commenting on the Family Integrated Conference my family and I attended October 26th and 27th in Houston that was put on by Grace Family Baptist Church. It was a very good conference with over 300 people from 17 states. While it did seem that a majority of the people came from Texas there were people from as far west as Washington State, California (My Family) and as far east as Campton, New Hampshire (New Hope Fellowship). The main speakers were the Elders from GfBC; Paul Renfro, Matt Bullen and Voddie Baucham. Each spoke at one main session and then on Saturday they as well as others at GfBC spoke at a number of breakout sessions.

They did not proclaim to have all of the answers but as they have been in the thick of starting an FIC and as they had received many calls for information they decided that a conference would be the best way to get information out to those seeking it. While there were those of us there already in FICs there were others that were simply seeking to get information on the movement.

One announcement at the end of the conference was that they were going to start a Family Integrated Church Alliance, I am not sure if that is the final name, so as to help resource and give guidance to others wanting to start Family Integrated Churches. This builds on Vision Forums National Center for Family-Integrated Churches which basically is a listing to help people connect whereas GfBC is seeking to help go further to help in church planting. I am not sure of all the specifics as probably not all of them have been worked out, but this will be a great ministry.

Before I go for the day I want to leave you with a great saying that Paul Renfro shared on the opening session Friday night, I am not sure if his original saying or not but it is great. In speaking on where we seek our guidance for church and how so often the call from many in the church is to be creative he said: “Stop thinking outside the box and start thinking inside the book.” Stop and think about that as all too often the Bible is the last place we look for guidance in ministry.

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it, so sorry I missed you. We sent some representatives from our church and they came back really inspired by GfBC's vision. Just a few days before I was talking with Dr. Baucham at the SAICFF Film Academy in San Antonio and he had mentioned the alliance idea, I was very excited about it, so much that I called my wife immediately to tell her about it. There was a small effort locally to unite the leaders of the churches to edify one another and discuss common experiences, but this sounds like a concerted effort that the FIC movement really needs. Not having listened to the CDs yet, I am only speaking of a brief two minute exposure to the idea, your report, and brief conversations with a brother who attended, so I'll be looking forward to your continued thoughts as well.

    Blessings to you, brother!

