Saturday, December 08, 2007

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/08/08)

Scott Brown writes on the recent NCFIC Conference, here Conference Report Wake Forest NCFIC and here Our Objectives for the NCFIC Conference

Over at are has some quotes from Joel Beeke and his book Puritan Reformed Spirituality entitled: 5 Puritan Evangelism Lessons For Todays Churches

At Baptist Press there is a handy list of the differences between Christina and Mormonism: Christian, Mormon doctrinal differences

Over at 9Marks there is a good article by Michael Horton: Transforming Culture with a Messiah Complex. I think the point, which is a good one, is that it is the church that needs to disciple people so they transform culture and that it is not necessarily the churches place as an institution to do so. Near the end of the article, as an example, he speaks of the slave trade in England being stopped not by the church but by people such as Wilberforce who were “formed by the church’s ministry” that made the change.

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