Friday, January 25, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (01/25/08)

Don’t forget you can still join the Puritan Reading Challenge. It’s never too late to read the Puritans.

We went to a conference this past week (1/19-1/20) that The Maxwell Family was speaking at. It was very good if not at times convicting. I am sure in this day and age of the church being enamored by the culture The Maxwell’s would seem quite strange to many but I was greatly encouraged by the talks that were given. I left realizing I have to ask myself how much I have allowed the culture dictate what I do rather than scripture. We all too often do not realize that the culture around us is dictating our actions until we see others that are seeking to push back. This is not, as Steve Maxwell mentioned, a call for isolationism but a call to live biblically regardless of what the goes on around us and regardless of what the culture sees as acceptable.

How often do Christians wonder about their purpose and what God would have them do? The problem is we tend to ask these questions but the answers are right in His Word, the place few people look for the answer. Mike Ratliff at Possessing the Treasure writes a post entitled God Wills Us to be Holy that speaks to one of the things God desires of us and which is a purpose of every believer, seeking to be holy. This does not speak to perfection as God will bring that about when we are called home but does speak to what we need to seek in our lives through the power of the Spirit. So if you are seeking to know God’s will for your life today one of His desires is for us to seek to be holy. It is also brought out that this is done by reading His Word and thus knowing what God commands us to do to seek this holiness He calls us to.

A Steward of the Secret Things blog has moved to a new site called Encouraging Expository Excellence.

We recently got the DVD “Children of Caesar” by Dr. Voddie Baucham and it is very good. So far we have only seen the first of the two DVDs that is entitled: Whoever Controls the School Controls the World. It was very good and I am sure that many will be upset with Voddie’s blanket rejection of public education. I think he does a great job of defending his position first from scripture as well as giving statistics that should reveal the truth about public education. As was said in the DVD ( I hope I get this right): “If we continue to send our children to Caesar for their education, we need to stop being surprised when they come home as Romans.” This is a DVD I highly recommend and even if you have heard much of what is said in other of Voddie’s presentations it is good to have it all in one place. You can purchase the DVD here.

Next month (2/1 – 2/29) there is a great sale at Sovereign Grace Ministries: Sovereign Grace CDs and Books for Ridiculous Prices — and Free Shipping. All of their CDs are $6 and their Pursuit of Godliness books are $5. To top this off there will be free domestic shipping.

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