Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (1/01/08)

Well, here is the first "Around the Web and Blogosphere" for the new year.

As we enter a new year, yes it is here already, Doug Phillips gives some good advise on things to do at this time: Three of the Most Important Things You Can Do at This Time of The Year. The three things, which are fleshed out in the article, are:
I. Outline and Chronicle the Many Providences of God
II. Say ‘Thank You’ to Those Who Have Invested in Your Life
III. Forgive Those Who Have Wronged You

If you’re thinking of making New Years resolutions I encourage you to read The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards.

The new 9Marks eJournal is out and has a focus on corporate prayer. You can view either the PDF version or on their website.

If you need a reading plan to read through your bible in the up coming you can check out the various reading plans on the ESV site: Bible Reading Plans

Here are some just some of the new blogs I have begun frequenting this past year:
Family Reformation
Unashamed Workman

Reformed Baptist Fellowship
Scott Brown Online

A Steward of the Secret Things

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