Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (2/20/08)

Well I was either on a plane or in an airport for 8 hours again today.  The truth is I hardly travel but it seems that lately I have been all over the place for work; today it is Denver on the way to St. Louis.  So, while siting in the airport I looked over the following:

Steve Camp writes: “"God in the Hands of Complacent Sinners"
...the dire need to recover a reverence for God in ministry”  While Steve’s focus is on the emergent folk who have “drank the kool-aid  of the emergent movement” there is a place where this article speaks just as much about the church as a whole.


Mark Dever writes: The Bondage of "Guidance".  I would add that often decisions would be much more clear if we just looked to scripture first.  So often people seek the subjective when the objective answers of scripture stare them right in the face because is many times the last place people look for answers to God’s will in a decision.  Simply because scripture does not say “take X or Y job” it does have clear biblical principles that will greatly minimize our choices.  When the choices are down to the minimum the Sprit of God will be the deciding factor.  Saying scripture is sufficient is not something we are to just say but we are to live as such.


Scott Brown has a great quote from George Whitefield: I Love those That Thunder Out the Word.  In 1739 Whitefield said: “I love those that thunder out the Word. The Christian world is in a deep sleep. Nothing but a loud voice can waken them out of it..” It is expository preaching through all of God’s word that allows it to be “thundered.”  Not just the parts that people want to hear but all of it clearly exposited.  Scott is part of an Expository Preaching Workshop March 7-8 in Wake Forest.  

At the Vaugnshire Farm blog there is a good post, Parallel Economy, by Paul on how the government often hinders free trade among its own people in the name of economics. By far things are not as bad as in many places in the world but never the less the government in the name of economics does hinder free trade and as Paul mentions it may only get more intrusive.  

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