Monday, March 17, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (3/17/08)

With regards to the homeschooling issues in California Albert Mohler in his article, Overt Hostility toward Homeschoolers, reveals that while some are saying not to worry the court decision has brought out the true colors of those that oppose homeschooling. Reading this article shows me that there is a true fear that homeschooling interferes with the humanist agenda and they would like to do whatever is necessary to stop those that homeschool. Walter P. Coombs and Ralph E. Shaffer whose article is cited by Mohler use the same class warfare language that is often bandied about during elections to try and incite others to rise up against those that homeschool. Please keep this whole issue in prayer because whether you live in California or not the issues here will effect you in some way.

Jim at has a good quote from Robert Godfrey titled: Worship is Neither Evangelism or Entertainment.

Scott Brown has a link to an interview he did with Doug Phillips on Kevin Swanson’s radio show Generations: Choosing Candidates: What Does the Bible Say? Scott also in his post, Workshop In Expository Preaching, has a good quote from E.M Bounds on preaching from Bounds’ book Power of Prayer

At the Banner of Truth Trust is a good article by Geoff Thomas titled: Preaching Christ from the Old Testament. As he shares the preachers of the New Testament shared Christ from the Old and so should we.

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