Monday, May 26, 2008

Subway Contest Prohibits Home School Children

I was forwarded an e-mail that links to a writing contest that Subway is having for students PreK-6. What is interesting and disturbing is the restriction at the bottom of the entry that says:

Contest is open only to legal US residents, over the age of 18 with children in either elementary, private or parochial schools that serve grades PreK-6. No home schools will be accepted (I put this in bold to highlight it)

I would encourage you to write them a note to ask why they would restrict Home School students from their contest. You can send comments here.

While my family don't have children in this age group and would probably not enter this contest if we did it does show a blatant disdain for home schoolers. In a time when there is increasing acrimony towards Home Schooling it is good for others to know of things such as what Subway is doing.

Here is whatI have written to them:

I would like to air my concern and surprise that you would exclude home school students from your writing contest. A brief look at history would mean that you would also exclude the following authors that were all home schooled in some manner: Hans Christian Anderson, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Irving Berlin, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis. Not only were these authors along with others homeschooled but so have many other great men and women in the past and present.

By singling out “Home School” as excluded for your contest you are displaying that you have some bias against this group of people. You do not restrict the contest from private school and parochial school students but you deny home school students the opportunity to enter an seemingly otherwise open competition.

As a public company I am sure you accept money for sandwiches and other foods from home schoolers so why not stories written by home school students. I would ask that you please reconsider your restrictions and allow students to be able to freely enter your contest no matter where they are schooled.

Thank you for your time,
Tony Konvalin

I have added an update to this post to clarify some things as far as how I view this issue: Subway Update

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