Saturday, June 21, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (6/21/08)

James McDonald at Family Reformations writes: When the Village Raises Children. He reveals a Canadian court decision where the court overruled a fathers grounding of his 12 year old from the use of the Internet. We may say this would never happen here in the good ol’ USofA but do not be too sure. The initial court decision in California to outlaw Home Schooling reveals the heart of many, that those other than parents know what’s best for children. What may be more scary is that many believers seem to buy into this when it comes to such things as education and public school.

Richard Smith at The Spurgeon Blog has some good words to ponder on Evangelism in his post: The Love of God and Evangelism. We need to take care when we take part in evangelism that we present a God-centered God rather than the usually presented man-centered God.

Scott over at These are the generations of… links in his post, Home-schoolers threaten our Cultural Comfort, to an article from a secular paper on why so many hold those that home-school in contempt. Here is a link to the article: Home-schoolers threaten our cultural comfort. What is so sad is the number of professing Christians that dislike home schoolers but I fear it is because they have bought into a world-view that is much like if not the same as that mentioned in the article.

Don’t forget to enter the Reclaiming the Culture DVD contest on my previous post or you can enter here is you like. Deadline to enter for a choice of one of the DVDs from Vision Forums new Reclaiming the Culture DVD Series is 5PM(PST) on the June 29th with a winner to be chosen June 30th. Simply leave your name and I will announce the winner by July 1st. If you leave you e-mail now I will contact you or you will have to check back when the winner is announced.

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