Saturday, July 05, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (7/5/08)

Check out Doug Phillips’ (June Archives) and Scott Browns’ (Archives for June Pictures) blogs as there are great pictures from The 2008 Scotland Faith and Freedom Tour. One word of warning; if you look at these pictures too long you may experiecne "Travel Envy" which can only be dealt with by much prayer and fasting :)

Check out the side bar as there is a new link to the Joshua Project that updates daily to show a new unreached people group. This should help in praying for the nations and peoples we are so often uninformed about.

There is a new movie from the creators of Facing the Giants coming out September 26th called Fireproof. You can check out the trailer and other information on it at their website:

This months free audio book at is The Practice of the Presence of God (Unabridged) by Brother Lawrence. All that needs to be done to download this book for free is sign up for an account (also free) and then when ordering use the code: JULY2008

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