Monday, September 22, 2008

Semper Reformanda Conference – Family Integrated Church Conference 2008

Just a reminder about the conference being hosted by Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston Texas next month. My family and I went last year and it was well worth the trip. If you need more information about the 2nd Annual Family Integrated Church Conference October 10-12, 2008 in Houston, Texas you can go to the church website here.

"This is a great conference for church leaders and people of influence in the church if they desire to move their church toward family-integration!

This is a great conference for those desiring to plant a new family-integrated church! Gather all the families you can to give them the vision for what they are about to undertake.

If you are part of a family integrated church, come for some encouragement and equipping!

If you desire to see your family transformed, come join us!

If you have a passion to see families transformed, we will see you here!

Spread the word. Reformation will happen one person at a time, one family at a time, one church at a time."

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