Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (10/08/08)

For those interested here is a link to the bill that was just passed, HR 1424. It is my understanding that this started as a three page document, I may be wrong, but what it ended up to be was 451 pages. It is also interesting that while there is a table of contents at the beginning the table of contents of all of the extra tax exemptions that were added, to get votes, is hidden later in the document on pages 261-263, not that there were not lots of add ons before this. How is it we let the politicians in Washington get away with this sort of action? The reason for many is that they see the government as their savior and they will allow it to do as it pleases as long as they “think” they gain some benefit. As an aside it was interesting that in last nights debate there was much talk about cutting “pork” but both guys signed this “pork” laden bill.

Here is another article that looks at the bill and puts some numbers to it: Bailout bill loops in green tech, IRS snooping

Paul at Vaugnshire Farm has some good political cartoons that pretty much sum up the problems in Washington: Bailout, Pork, and Treason

Nathaniel Darnell at Persevero writes in his post, Fact or Farce? Faith or Fear? : 1) Although it might appear differently sometimes, the armies of men are never greater than the Army of God; (2) Trusting God is always better than operating out of fear of man.

Albert Mohler writes on prosperity in : Are We Promised Prosperity? At the end of the article he says:

Perhaps we all need a refresher course in Christian economics and Christian theology. Niall Ferguson argues from the record of history in looking to the current crisis. Perhaps we should remember our own history lesson -- that far more believers in Christ have been and are now among the poor, rather than among the wealthy. We should hear Jesus warn against materialism and Paul remind us that we are to be content when we have plenty and when we have little. We should know that the Christian virtue of thrift is incompatible with the lies of those who push consumer credit.

We are not promised prosperity. When we do enjoy prosperity, we should be thankful stewards -- not peddlers of our own prosperity theology

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