Monday, December 01, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/1/08)

There is a good article on what is referred to as the separation of church and state at The American View: Jefferson’s “Wall” Not In Constitution, Misrepresents Constitutional Principles In Many Different Ways

There is a good article at entitled: Childish Homeschooler Syndrome. While this may not perfectly reflect your family it is good to know the tendencies spoken of so that we can make sure we avoid them. We need to realize in Christian Homeschooling that above all else we are to be raising children for the glory of God and that means preparing them to be the most God glorifying ambasadors for Christ we can raise. As the article accurately relates children need to take responsibility and move past parental failures, of which there may be many, but we as parents also need to do the best job we can as well. Check back to the Visionary Daughters site for Part Two.

Paul Vaughn’s article: How the Industrial Revolution Made Life Harder has a link to an article written at Pursuing Titus 2 that speaks to some ways the industrial revolution has made some things tougher. The industrial revolution is one of those events, if you can call it an event, in history that is troubling as we enjoy many of the benefits but seem to not realize the many issues it created. Mrs. Parunak writes about this with regards to motherhood, which also deals with fatherhood, in her two part article: Why Modern Motherhood is So Much Harder than it Ought to Be & Why Modern Motherhood is So Much Harder than it Ought to Be, Part 2: What You Can Do About It

Scott Brown announces an Expansion of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches (NCFIC).
This expansion includes the following:
1. Spinning the NCFIC web site out as a stand-alone resource.
2. Locating the offices of the NCFIC in Wake Forest, NC.
3. Getting to work on a big build-out of the web site content in audio, print and video.
4. Adding new functions and capabilities to the web site.
5. Adding employees.
6. Conducting a national conference in Dec 3-5, 2009 with Voddie Baucham and Doug Phillips
7. Discipling interns.

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