Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Dilemma

Well this week SGCF faced a dilemma that is not usually faced in larger churches. That dilemma was that I, as the lone elder, am sick as are two others in my family. Now for many churches this is not an issue but when you have four families and meet in our home it is a problem. With one of our families who has already been struggling with sickness for a number of weeks the issue becomes not only my ability to preach but also the spreading of a rather nasty cold to every one in the church.

So while I could probably preach we decided it was probably best this week that we all meet individually on the Lord’s day with our families so as not to infect others so they would not be able to worship in the following weeks. I have to admit that this was a tough decision but one that was needed for the benefit of the entire church. Pastoring a small church has facets to it that others in larger churches may not see. But the truth is I am sure that in the first century there were days when things just happened so that those that met together could not meet as they usually did.

This issue shows the need for multiple elders in a church. It also revels that for those such as us that meet in homes alternate plans for places to meet as well.

So pray for my family and others in our church that they get better and that we can meet again, Lord willing, next Lord’s day.

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