Friday, January 02, 2009

NCFIC Conference CD Recommendation, Wake Forest Dec 5-6

[Updated 1/7/09: The link below is not working as the NCFIC is in the process of changing thier website. As soon as I get the new link I will update it.]

We just got back from a road trip to my mother’s house in Arizona and took that time to listen to the CD’s from the NCFIC conference that was held in Wake Forest December 5-6. The title of the conference was: How the Church can Strengthen the Family in the 21st Century. I highly recommend the CD’s which you can get at the link above. I have not gotten through all of the CD’s but what I have heard is very good.

The message on “The Trap of Family Idolatry” is one that many need to listen to, both in the FIC movement and outside of it. All too often when I read critiques of Family Integrated Churches they launch the claim that FICs worship the family. While there may be churches that do this it is not the norm, at least with the churches I personally know. Jeff Pollard does a good job of dealing with this issue and I think it is clear from his message that the Family Integrated Church is not focused on worshiping the family. If a church becomes family integrated, I like the term multigenerational, without a biblical basis for it there is the danger of “family idolatry” but this stems not from the concept of being multigenerational but instead from a wrong foundation for being multigenerational. When anything is done without the correct foundation, scripture, there is a danger of heading in a wrong direction.

So again, I highly recommend this series: How the Church can Strengthen the Family in the 21st Century. These messages may be challenging but it is only when we are challenged by God’s Word that we grow. Below are the titles of the messages along with the name of the person, or persons, presenting the messages.

How Should Your Family Treat the Local Church? - Scott Brown

Relationships - What Does a Healthy Church Look Like? - Kevin Swanson

The Discipleship of Children in the Meeting of the Church - Steve Breagy

The Lord’s Table - Dan Horn

Figuring out Modesty in an Immodest World - Jeff Pollard

A Vision for Church and Family Reformation - Kevin Swanson and Scott Brown

The Trap of Family Idolatry - Jeff Pollard

How Do I Become the Father God Wants Me to Be - Scott Brown

How Do I Become the Husband God Wants Me to Be - Kevin Swanson

Women’s Ministry in the Church - Jeff Pollard

The Fact, Importance and Reach of the Creation Order for Men and Women - Bill Einwechter

Family Worship - Dan Horn

Family Life that Blesses a Community - Jason Dohm

The Creation Order in the Civil Sphere? What about Deborah the Judge? - Bill Einwechter

How Young Men and Ladies Should Treat One Another in the Church - Scott Brown

Surviving Tough Economic Times - Kevin Swanson

Considering The Marriages of our Sons and Daughters - Principles and Practices, Scott Brown

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