Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Church

Some time ago I wrote a series of posts on the church and various aspects of it. In September of 07’ I wrote The Church- A Multigenerational Gathering and on that post I linked to the other articles I had written on the church. I have noticed over time that often these articles are being read through searches on the church and more specifically on the Family Integrated Church. Due to this I have put the links below with a few additions.

Over the next year I will get back to my writing on the church, as God leads. It seems that we have lost the love for the church that we should have. After all, the church is seen in scripture as the Bride of Christ and while this can refer to the “invisible church” its “visible” manifestation is in the local church. So we need to see the local church as more than some sort of ritual or event we take part in but something we participate in out of our love and devotion to and for Christ. We often claim love for Christ but show no love for His church and from what I see in scripture those are not compatible attitudes and we need to ask God to give us the love for His church that He desires of us.

The Church:
The Local Church Pt1
The Church Pt 2 - Ekklesia
The Church Pt 3: Church Local or Universal
The Church, Where? Part 4
The Church - Part 5
The Gathered Church - Pt 1
The Gathered Church – Pt 2
The Gathered Church - Pt 3
Some Random Thoughts on the Church

A Series on how I see the Family Integrated Church:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Some General Thoughts on the Family Integrated Church:
Family Friendly?
Family Friendly II
Family Integrated Church is not new
More on Family Integrated Church
Some Random Thoughts on the Church
More Thoughts on the Family Integrated Church
Some More thoughts on the Family Integrated Church
There is Nothing New About Family Integrated Worship

Additional Posts:
The Church: Its Place in the World
The Church – A Multigenerational Gathering
Evangelism and the Local church
Sacrificing Church for Family
The Sacrifice of the Family for Ministry
Family Integrated Church – 1 Year Later
Review of: What is a Family Integrated Church? By Scott Brown


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Thanks for collecting these in one place. I look forward to re-reading again. Hope your family is well.

  2. Hi Matt:

    We are doing great and I pray things are well with you and your family also.
