Friday, June 05, 2009

Around the Web and Blogosphere (6/5/09)

With the death of George Tiller, also known as “Tiller the Killer”, there have been numerous articles written. I think Doug Phillips in his article George Tiller is Dead: For Whom Shall We Mourn? and Kevin Swanson’s Generations Radio broadcast, Tiller the Killer is Dead, are well worth reading and listening to. On the other side is an article by Frank Schaeffer, How I (and Other "Pro-Life" Leaders) Contributed to Dr. Tiller's Murder, that is in reality very sad. Let us realize we can call the killing of Tiller what it was, murder and unbiblical, but at the same time not necessarily feel sorrow for his death. What we should feel sorrow for is the state of our country where men like Tiller are allowed to kill millions of children and be protected by the law. When a country strays from God’s law this is where we end up, a law unto ourselves.

Voddie Baucham’s article: USA Today Misses the Mark on Homeschool Trends, deals with an attempt by the press to show homeschooling as a way for the wealthy to segregate their children from minorities. While it is sad opponents of homeschooling need to turn to such rhetoric it does show that homeschooling is making the type of impact that entails such attacks. I would not be surprised that the government does not latch onto this as they see children slip through their grasp. They will not attack, at least initially, from the front but will start as it has already done with such subversive programs as Charter Schools.

This is a good article over at Vaughnshire Farm: Desiring Slow Community. How often the busyness of the world detracts from the biblical community we are called to have. I am as guilty of this as anyone and need to be more aware of how I allow the “urgent” affairs around me dictate my life. This is one of those areas that the” Industrial Revolution” greatly impacted in a negative manner. While I enjoy many of the benefits the “Industrial Revolution” brought I need to be aware of the many negative aspects it also brought and work, by the power of God, to combat them, at least in my life and the life of my family.

If you area looking into Homeschooling this article may give you some things to think about.: Are You Considering Homeschooling?

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