Friday, December 04, 2009

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/04/09)

The November edition of the Continuing Collapse is on Voddie Baucham’s blog: Welcome to the Continuing Collapse.

PyroManiacs ask some good questions in their post: Nineteen questions for signers of "The Manhattan Declaration.” The issues the declaration addressed were important but not more important than the Gospel it downplayed to allow for unity of the signers. While I think that many of the signers were well meaning I think the message given with regards to the Gospel is that some issue are just too important.

Also here are some comments from James White on the declaration:
The Troubling Aspects of the Manhattan Declaration
Further Thoughts on the Manhattan Declaration and a Response to Frank Beckwith

And from John MacArthur: The Manhattan Declaration

From Steve Camp: The New Downgrade….12 dangers of Evangelical Co-belligerence related to The Manhattan Declaration.

Also here is Al Mohler’s reasons for signing the declaration: Why I signed the Manhattan Declaration

Here is a review by The New American of the new DVD  "The Mysterious Islands" produced by Vision Forum: "The Mysterious Islands" Challenges Darwin. We saw it a couple nights ago and it is very well done. I am sure that many an evolutionist will despise it but that is of no consequence. What is sad is that there will likely be many a professing Christian that will dislike it as well. I have read a few comments around the web that speak about bias in the move but who is not biased, just as evolutionist are biased. Better to be biased by the very word of God than the word of man.

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