Monday, December 07, 2009

Jacob's Journey Begins

Yesterday we looked at Gen 27:46-28:9 and the beginning of Jacob’s journey. A journey I am sure he could not have imagined. He thought he would be gone for a short while as Esau cooled off and he found a wife but oh there was so much more to come. He would not return for 20 years as God would work in that time to make him the man He desired him to be.

God moved Jacob out of his comfort zone to mold him into that which most glorified Him. Jacob had lived at home for over 70 years and was now sent on a 500 mile journey with nothing, to a land he had not seen, and to a people he did not know, now that is discomfort. But that is often what God does to us so that we become the most useful instruments in His hands to accomplish His purposes and most glorify him.

We often look at life through the lens of how things most affect us but God looks at His creation to see how it can be molded to most glorify Him. That is a radically different view than the one man naturally has which is a view that sees himself above all. That was Jacob’s view but God would change that outlook and God would take some time to do so. He will do the same with us. He will move us out of our comfort zone to move us into the place He desires us to be, God glorifying worshipers of Him.

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