Friday, February 26, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (2/26/10)

At the NCFIC Blog there is a post with an excerpt from Scott Brown’s upcoming book on youth ministry: A Child of the Movement. I can relate to this excerpt as I too have been a youth minter and read all the books. The problem was, even if unintentionally, I gave more weight to the pragmatic reasoning of the books over the sufficiency of Scripture to speak to this area, as it speaks to all of faith and practice.

For those of you that are reading, or have read, R.J. Rushdoony’s Law & Liberty, there is now a study guide out, thanks to The Chalcedon Foundation: Law & Liberty Study Guide. This is a great book and one that I would highly recommend.

Over at Voddie Baucham’s blog the February Welcome to the Continuing Collapse (Exposing Government Schools: The Youth Ministry of the State Church of Secular Humanism) by Bruce Shortt has been posted.

At Steve Camp’s blog there is a great sermon by Charles Spurgeon: God’s Will and Man’s Will ….the tension of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. As always I appreciated the words of Spurgeon.

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