Friday, May 21, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (5/21/10)

If you like Bluegrass check out the Wintons, actually even if you are not a fan of bluegrass check them out. You can listen to their music here. You can also buy a download of the music at BlueBehemoth. They were just interviewed by Kevin Swanson: Music Genres Capable of Integrating the Generations. Here is their Purpose Statement:

"It is our desire to faithfully proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. At the same time, we want to perform a concert in a professional manner using both gospel bluegrass and family-friendly traditional bluegrass music which portrays a family that is seeking to glorify the Lord. While we want our concerts to be entertaining, we have determined that we are not a family that exists for entertainment purposes, but a family that desires to communicate to others the love of God and His active work in our lives as well as His desire to work faithfully in the lives of others. During our concerts we plan to communicate the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the blessing of families ministering together, the purpose of having a family vision, the fruitfulness of multi-generational faithfulness, and the goal of living separate and deliberate lives for the Lord. We also hope to share about the blessings of adoption, both in a natural and spiritual sense."

Devon Maddox at The Salt Room writes on: Sovereign Church Growth. He has a great quote by David Wells from his book The Courage to be Protestant:

“The truth is that there is nothing in our postmodern world that is a serious threat, or an insurmountable obstacle, to the will of God. This is true of his saving will as well. He is sovereign in the way he begets faith today as he is over the sparrow that flies or falls. He will grow the church. Today, we no longer seem to believe this, and want to aid his cause by our weak and foolish capitulations.”

How true this is as the church today seeks after all but God for growth. Actually, the whole idea of “growth” is often an issue as well. Of course the professing church today would not admit to this lack of trust but actions often speak louder than words and those actions say the church today does not trust God to grow His church. Personally I think this problem stems from a faulty view of God’s sovereignty; a view that places God as being restrained by our desires and will and not the other way around.

At Lane’s Blog there is a post: Election as Taught in the Bible. This post lists some of the Scriptural evidence for the doctrine of election. Also below is a video that is posted along with this list.

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