Monday, December 27, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/27/10)

A new blog that looks at the war between the states 150 years later: Civil War 150th Anniversary

Via Doug Philips Blog:

Into the Amazon: The Most Feared Beverage in the Amazon from Douglas Phillips on Vimeo.

From Theonomy Resources: The Codes of Moses and Hammurabi Compared (Free Download). There is also a good article entitled: Refuting anti-Theonomy Straw Men: Part 1: Separation of Church and State.

Tuesday Evening Family Discipleship in Sound Doctrine – Early Registration discount ends January 1st. “This webinar series, running from February 1st through March 22nd and October 4th through November 22nd, will cover every section of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689”

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