Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Around the Web and Blogosphere (6/15/11)

Well it has been some time since I have posted one of these, life sure has been busy.

If you want to start an argument try talk about patriarchy.  The problem is that most people seem to either not understand patriarchy or understand it from what they have seen in someone who may have abused it.  The issue is we need to be seeking what God says about leadership in the family and patriarchy is simply the outworking of God’s all sufficient word in the family.  Here is a good article on patriarchy:  The Tenants of Biblical Patriarchy

Here is an article from Bill Roth regarding entrepreneurialism: 7 Signs God Wired You for Entrepreneurship.  I am not sure about you but number 7 is the one I struggle with the most as risk is uncomfortable and who wants to be uncomfortable.  The truth is God will put often put us in positions that may seem risky so that we learn to rely on Him for me entrepreneurism may be one of those areas.

The New Geneva Ambassador School Blog has a good article on government schools entitled: The Evil Conquest of the Government Schools.  Christians need to wake up and realize the nature of the government schools they are willingly sending their children to.

The Winton’s new album Rest Assured is out and it is very good. If you like bluegrass I am sure you will enjoy this album, and their first one.  We are also glad that they will be stopping buy a friends house for a home concert at the end of August, Lord willing.  You can hear some of their music from their first album and couple songs from the new one here.

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