Saturday, December 03, 2011

Law & Liberty Book Giveaway #2

Thanks to the Chalcedon booth at the latest NCFIC conference (Gospel-Centered Marriages for a Glorious Church ) I have two more Law & Liberty books by R.J. Rushdoony to give away.  There will be one  this month then anothe in January. 

I will collect names until 5PM (PST) on Wednesday the 14th of December.  Here is how you can get multiple entries:  One entry can be gained by leaving a comment to this blog post.  You can get additional entries by placing a link to the giveaway on your blog and leaving a link to the post on your blog in a comment here.  Another entry can be gained by sharing this post on Facebook or sharing the post that is already there.  Lastly, you can share this giveaway on Goolge+.  So, leave a comment here, on the Facebook or on the Goolge+ post letting me know the methods you have used to enter.


  1. I would love to enter!

    I posted a blog, for a second entry:

    And I re-shared your Google+ announcement.

    Thank you! :)

  2. Can I enter please, thx.

  3. Looks very interesting!

  4. Oh! I would love to win this book!

  5. I blogged about this giveaway here:

  6. And I shared on facebook.

  7. would love a book by Rushdoony!

  8. And the winner is.......... Hannah who has the blog Damsel in Delight ( ). You can email me through Facebook, Google+ or through the contact form at the top of the page. Congratulations.
