Monday, February 06, 2012

Law & Liberty Book Giveaway #3

I meant to do this last month but did not get around to it so I will be giving away another copy of Law & Liberty by R.J. Rushdoony this month.   

I will be collecting names until 5PM (PST) on Saturday the 18th of February.  Here is how you can have multiple entries:

  1. Leave a comment on this blog post.  
  2. Placing a link to the giveaway on your blog and leave a link to your blog post in a comment here.  
  3. Sharing this post on Facebook, or share the post that is already there, and mention here or on Facebook that you have done so. 
  4. Share this giveaway on Goolge+ and then leave a comment here, or on Google + that you have shared it.  

That makes 4 ways to enter.

Again, make sure to leave a comment here, on one of the Facebook posts or on the Goolge+ posts letting me know the methods you have used to enter.

**This giveaway is limited to the US due to shipping costs**


  1. I'm making this comment here and reshared on G+ for two entries. I'd love to have a personal copy that can go in my hopechest for my future bookshelf. ^.^

    Thanks so much, Mr. Konvalin.

  2. Tracy E. in IN8:36 PM

    I am making this comment and sharing on Facebook too. :)

    Thank you!!

  3. Thanks! Hadn't heard of this book before Shelby mentioned it on G+. Looking for good reads to instill godly principles in our boys.

  4. Thought I would try to save you some shipping costs and enter, but thats up to you I already have 2 copies.

  5. I shared this post on Google+!

  6. And the winner is Charles Lenz who entered on Google +. There will be some other giveaways in the futre so stay tuned.
