Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Last Pilgrims Book Giveaway

For a second giveaway I have two copies of The Last Pilgrims.

This is a very good book written by Michael Bunker, the Author of Surviving Off Off-Grid.  The following is a short segment about the book from the website:

"Michael Bunker, author of the Amazon.com bestselling non-fiction book Surviving Off Off-Grid, would like to introduce you to one of the most exciting, heart-pounding, and unique novels to come around in a generation.  More than your typical post-apocalyptic faire, The Last Pilgrims could well be one of the most important and prescient novels of our time.  Twenty years in the future is five-hundred years in the past.  It is just two decades after the worldwide societal collapse and the Vallenses, an Amish-like “plain people” living and surviving in what was once Central Texas, are under attack by the King of Aztlan and his armies. The pacifistic Vallenses are defended by the shadowy Ghost Militia and their inspiring leader Phillip, a militant freeman who wages a guerilla war with Aztlan.

Jonathan Wall and the thriving agrarian community of Vallenses have prospered by living the simple and sustainable ways of the past.  In a massively depopulated world, balkanization is a reality and monarchy is back.  A corrupt kingdom arises, led by a king who cannot abide freemen on lands that he covets.  Just as the Vallenses send off a plea to the benevolent King of the South States, a mysterious assassin misses his target: Jonathan Wall.

Phillip “the Ghost” is on a personal mission to save the Vallenses – even if it is against their will, while Jonathan’s own son David and his fearless teenage daughter Ruth are led to challenge their pacifistic upbringing and question whether or not the time has come for the Vallenses to fight for the land, the people, and the God they love.

The Last Pilgrims is a modern re-telling of the forgotten history of the Ancient Waldenses - simple farmers who lived in the valleys of the Alps for hundreds of years despite repeated attempts to annihilate them.  Full of tragedy, adventure, humor, and love, The Last Pilgrims is a rare post-apocalyptic saga that takes history and casts it into the future, while examining that future in light of the errors of the present and the past. "

To enter; I will be collecting names until 5PM (PST) on Monday the 19th.  Here is how you can have multiple entries:
  1. Leave a comment on this blog post.  
  2. Placing a link to the giveaway on your blog and leave a link to your blog post in a comment here.  
  3. Sharing this post on Facebook, or share the post that is already there, and mention here or on Facebook that you have done so. 
  4. Share this giveaway on Goolge+ and then leave a comment here, or on Google + that you have shared it.  
That makes 4 ways to enter.

Again, make sure to leave a comment here, on one of the Facebook posts or on the Goolge+ posts letting me know the methods you have used to enter.

**This giveaway is limited to the US due to shipping costs**

Here is a link to the first giveaway of a copy of Into the Amazon.


  1. Here is a comment to enter and I have shared this on Google+.

  2. I have shared on my blog:http://kra.posterous.com/book-giveaway-for-his-glory

    Google+,and Facebook.

  3. I would like to enter this giveaway. Looks like a good book.

  4. I put a link to this giveaway on my blog. GenerationAcres.blogspot.com

  5. Last entry, just shared on facebook.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I shared this give away on face book. This blog is interesting and am going through looking at all you have on here.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I have shared this give away on google+

  9. Here's my comment...

    Shared on G+...

    And shared on FB.

    That's 3 entries.

    Thanks so much Mr. Konvalin! :D

  10. Ben and Brittney, nice website I will have to take some more time to look though it.

    BJ & Diane; I hope you find my blog edifying.

    To everyone else, thanks for entering.

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The book sounds interesting. I would like to be entered in this giveaway.

    - Megan Petersen

  12. looks like an interesting read!

  13. It is a good book and incorporates much of what he wrote in his book Surviving Off Off-Grif.

  14. Theresa, do I take that as an entry:)

    Oh, and the picture of Alaska on your site are great.

  15. Here is the link for my Facebook share: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=270617106350916&id=668345984

  16. Here is my blog post: http://crookedbarnpumpkinfarm.blogspot.com/2012/03/two-excellent-giveaways-on-blog-for-his.html

  17. My first and second entries did not show up. Well, here is my first entry asking to please be entered. Thank you!

  18. Here is the other one that did not show. It is my post to Google+. Thank you: https://plus.google.com/103664994180541182106/posts/MDaGGw4KnNH

  19. Philoponus12:10 PM

    Hello, thank you for doing this giveaway. Please consider this as an entry.


  20. Philoponus7:11 PM

    P.S. Does the above comment count as an entry? Or do you need more information?



  21. Philopnus - I have you down as an entry.

  22. What an interesting outline. I'd love to get a copy of the book. Unfortunately, I'm not a blogger so this will be my only entry but it's better than none I suppose. Thanks for the opportunity to win this exciting-looking book!

  23. Shared on Facebook and Google +

  24. Shared on Facebook and Google +. Thanks for offering this!

  25. samantha rebstock10:55 AM

    what a great site...
    am commenting because it is true,
    and I am entering the give away!
    Samantha Rebtock

  26. samantha rebstock10:56 AM

    just share this on facebook!
    samantha rebstock

  27. And the winners are............. The Caldwells and Samantha Rebstock. If you can send me your contact information (email and address) by going to the "Contact Me" tab at the top of the page I will try and get the books out this week.

  28. As we are in the final throws of packing to move I will need to hear from the Caldwells and Samantha by Sunday or I will need to pick another winner. We need to get things out of the way as we will be living out fo suitcases for a short time as we finalize things for a new home.

  29. Since I have to get things packed up I will have to make a cut off of 5PM Monday (3/26) to pick a new winner of the books. Sorry to have to do this but as I have no way to get hold of the Caldwells or Samantha Rebstock this is what I have to do.

    I truly hope they check in before then.

    Grace and Peace,

  30. Thankfully Samantha got hold of me today but the Caldwell's did not so I had to draw a new winner and that winner is Kevin Amundson. Congratulations Kevin.
