Monday, May 07, 2007

Entering the world of Mac

Well this is totally unrelated to anything I have written on previously but I just entered the world of Mac. Actually since I can run Windows XP inside a window while running Mac I can be exposed to both evil empires at once. The lap top is really well made and things did run fine from the start as they promised. The loading of Parallels and XP was a little buggy but it ended up fine. Parallels allows me to be able to do the things Mac does best and I can still have my Bible programs,such as E-Sword, running in XP so I did not have to run out and get new ones of those. Time will only tell if it is better than Microsoft but so far so good.

I had to update this post as to some errors: It is Mac not MAC :) and Bradon, my Nephew, pointed out that therer is a similar free program to E-sword at The SWORD Project.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Welcome to the family brother :-)

  2. Welcome U. Tony! First off it's Mac not MAC :) Secondly there is a Mac version of E-Sword available called MacSword which is available here:
    I personally use Accordance and love it. It is available here:
    Let me know if you need any assistance :)

  3. Wow, I get a Mac (I got that right) and I get two comments in a day!

    Thanks for the link to the other free Bible program. I looked at Accordance and it looks very good but it is hard to beat FREE. But who know I may have to look at it more for languages stuff later
