Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More on The Reformed Pastor Audiobook

Well I just finished the first two hours+ of The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter on my new FREE Audiobook from and there is only one word for what Baxter has to say, OUCH! Now it is a good type of OUCH but the bottom line is that Baxter took the duties of pastoring serious, as we should as well. In just the first two hours he deals with everything from how a pastor should view compensation to the Pastors role in guiding families, especially fathers, to have family worship to even the salvation of pastors. He also deals with the seriousness of the Pastor actually being the Pastor and not just the CEO of an organization as is all too common today.

I have read this book before, but some time ago and well before I was as involved in ministry as I am now, and remember some of the same feelings then but it is a different experience to listen to the words being spoken. There is a deffintly a disadvantage to listening to a book while driving to and from work as I can not take notes but in many ways that may be good. Listening without being able to take notes may help me to get a better overall feel for the message than too much focus, at least for now, on the more specific issues.

I cannot recommend this Audiobook and the actual book itself too highly.

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