Friday, November 23, 2007

Around the Web and Blogosphere (11/23/07)

We recently watched the new DVD “Return of the Daughters” and it is very good. I am sure it will step on some toes but sometimes it is good to have them stepped on. The truth is that many of the things we all to readily do are not biblical and we have allowed the culture to dictate our interpretation of God’s desires rather than do what God requires. I would highly recommend this DVD and ask that you would watch it with scripture in mind rather than preconceived biases. You can see other info onthe DVD at .

A great list of things to be thankful for from Steve Camp: Thanks Be To God for His "Unspeakable Gift"

Here is a good post on being thankful from Pastor Paul McDonald: Being Thankful

Here is a good article that looks at the Pilgrims and the Puritans from A Puritans Mind: Reformation for the Glory of God, What is the difference between a Pilgrim and Puritan? Thanks to Jim at for linking to this article.

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