Friday, November 30, 2007

Around the Web and Blogosphere (11/30/07)

This has sure been a busy week. I have been meaning to write on a couple things but the time just hass not been there. So for now here are some items I have come across this week in a quick look at the Web and various blogs.

With regards to the Building Bridges: Southern Baptists and Calvinism Conference this last week (Nov 26-28) in North Carolina you can get the free MP3s of the conference at the Lifeway site. You can also read Tom Ascol’s comments on the Founders Blog.

At the Reformed Baptist Fellowship blog there is an interview by Pastor David Charles of Dr. James Renihan, Academic Dean of Reformed Baptist studies at Westminster Seminary in California who has recently edited a recent book entitled TRUE CONFESSIONS - Baptist documents in the Reformed Family.

If you are looking for a new Christmas CD, it actually came out last year, you may want to get a copy of Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man from Sovereign Grace Ministries. It is a great CD that has theologically sound lyrics as well as great music. While I do like many of the traditional Christmas songs this is one of my favorite CD’s as you will find it is one you can play all year long. You can also download one free song from the site as well: Glory Be to God.

James McDonald has a good blog post at his Family Reformation blog entitled: Family Reformation and the Modern Work Schedule. This is one of those areas that many fathers that are seeking to care for their families as God desires them to have to struggle with.

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