Thursday, May 01, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (5/1/08)

Voddie Baucham has a good article on Barack Obama and abortion: BARACK OBAMA: A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. People can call it “a CHOICE” but it is only a choice on one side of the ledger.

Thanks to Erik at the Irish Calvinist in pointing me to this video. What Piper says is so true and even for us that agree with him we need to always be aware of what we preach so that we do not preach the world rather then the WORD.

Mark Chanski writes an article entitled: Jesus the Lone Refuge in which he speaks of Christ as the only way. This is not popular in our pluralistic anything goes age but it is what the Bible teaches and what we need to proclaim. I was thinking the other day that if our biblical views are well accepted in the world we either have unbiblical views or we are not expressing them correctly and completely. Scripture and history shows us that the exclusivity of Christ is a thorn in the side of the world and if we do not expose that thorn in our preaching and evangelism then we may be falling short of the full message of the Gospel.

Here is this months free book from Martin Luther: In His Own Words (Unabridged). All that you need to do is to put the following code, MAY2008, in when you order the MP3s.

Most all Christians know the name Martin Luther. Less familiar, however, are his words. This compilation of many of Luther's most important writings serves as an excellent introduction to those new to Luther. It also provides a fresh medium for people familiar with his writing.

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