Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Come Weary Saints – Sovereign Grace Music’s New CD

I just received the new Sovereign Grace Music’s CD: Come Weary Saints. As usual it is excellent. I have long enjoyed their music and while they do a fine job with the musical side of things it is the words that capture my heart. Even the description from their website drew my interest, see below. So often we sing in such a way as to lead the world to think being a believer leads to a life devoid of sorrow and pain. However a cursory reading of scripture will reveal something quite contrary to that. Believers we will get weary and suffer but we can find joy in the being able to go to our heavenly Father through the Son. Here is how SGM describes this album:

As Christians, we know that our greatest problem—separation from God—has been solved. Jesus Christ, the only Savior, has taken our sin upon himself, enduring God’s wrath in our place and rising from the dead to assure us of our forgiveness.

But all our problems don’t end when we turn to Christ. We still get sick. Marriages end. Children die. Our plans, great or small, are disrupted. We grow weary in the battle.
Scripture assures us that God is sovereignly using our difficulties as tools to make us more like his Son. “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Ro 5:3–5) While we know these things are true, in the midst of our hardships we can lose perspective. Problems can loom large, and our hopes can grow dim.

Come Weary Saints is an invitation to redirect your focus to the God whose love has been forever demonstrated at the cross of Calvary. As you listen to these songs, may your faith and joy in the Savior be strengthened for the challenges you face, now or in the future.

You can also download a free song from the new album here. I highly recommend this CD as well as a previous release of theirs, Valley of Vision.

Here are words from the song As Long As You Are Glorified; you will not find words such as these many places:

Verse 1
Shall I take from Your hand Your blessings
Yet not welcome any pain
Shall I thank You for days of sunshine
Yet grumble in days of rain
Shall I love You in times of plenty
Then leave You in days of drought
Shall I trust when I reap a harvest
But when winter winds blow, then doubt

Oh let Your will be done in me
In Your love I will abide
Oh I long for nothing else as long
As You are glorified

Verse 2
Are You good only when I prosper
And true only when I’m filled
Are You King only when I’m carefree
And God only when I’m well
You are good when I’m poor and needy
You are true when I’m parched and dry
You still reign in the deepest valley
You’re still God in the darkest night

So quiet my restless heart,
quiet my restless heart
Quiet my restless heart in You

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