Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/17/08)

If your looking for a new Christmas album that you can play all year long. One that is Christ centered and not season centered, at least in my opinion. Then I suggest Sovereign Grace Ministries: Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man

This sounds like a good conference that is being held March 5th -7th in Indianapolis. National Leadership Summit with Kevin Swanson, Doug Phillips, Chris Klicka, Voddie Baucham, Dr. Brian Ray. You can get more information and register here.

"In March of 2009, Christian Home Educators of Colorado will host homeschool leaders from around the country at a national gathering in Indianapolis. The Purpose? To lay out a vision for home education in the 21st Century. In the same format of the 2006 Men’s Leadership Summit in Oklahoma City, this Summit will allow a time of vision-casting from nationally-respected speakers as well as a weekend full of fellowship between like-minded homeschool fathers in leadership from across the country."

An interview on ABC “Nightline” with President Bush. Personally I did not hear anything that I did not already know. His answers, unfortunately, are the same that I suspect that many professing believers would give if asked the same questions. They fit a very postmodern bent and the direction that many appear to be heading as the bible becomes only one of many books on the shelf and God becomes moldable to ones own personal beliefs.

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