Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Around the Web and Blogosphere (12/24/08)

Ligon Duncan offers 10 Reasons to read through Calvin’s Institutes in 2009: Why Read through Calvin’s Institutes in 2009? You can keep up with this at Blogging the Institutes and there is a link so you can have a Reading Schedule emailed to you. I think I will try this which simply adds to the already increasing number of books I am lining up for next year. If you have books you want to read next year leave a comment as I like to hear what people are reading. Thanks to Scott at These are the Generations of… for linking to this site.

At Voddie Baucham’s Truth in Love Blog is the December edition of the Continuing Collapse by Bruce Shortt.

At Al Mohler’s blog he answers the question: Can a Christian Deny the Virgin Birth? This may sound strange to you but it is a place that many attack and in our “lets all just get along” age we need to answer as Mohler answers:
"The answer to that question must be a decisive No. Those who deny the virgin birth reject the authority of Scripture, deny the supernatural birth of the Savior, undermine the very foundations of the Gospel, and have no way of explaining the deity of Christ."

So many people like to take the Christmas story and use it to meet some means other than conveying that the Father sent the Son to live among sinful man with the purpose of dying on a cross to redeem a people for Himself. Gary DeMar in his post; “Is Christmas about a Homeless Couple?” deals with just such a revisionistic rendering of Christ’s birth.

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