Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 Leadership Summit

I just finished listening to the 2009 Leadership Summit recently held in Indianapolis that was sponsored by Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC). These are talks that must be listened to by every homeschool father. These MP3s must be listened to even if you are a Christian father that does not homeschool.

I am sure that these talks will step on some toes but I wish someone had given me these talks many years ago and stepped on my toes when we started homeschooling. I have to admit I was one of those fathers that is eternally grateful that my wife saw the need to homeschool when I did not. I was one of those fathers that when faced with the option of homeschooling by my wife I simply said something like, ”whatever you say.” In many ways I did not find homeschooling it found me and it was quite some time till I saw its importance and even longer till I saw the biblical call for it.

I wrote a three part series some time ago that asked: Are You Homeschooling or Schooling at Home Pt 1, Pt 2 & Pt 3. The point was to ask what is it that bolsters ones reason for Homeschooling. If it is simply to better educate our children then we do not have a firm foundation. We need to base our homeschooling on God’s desire for parents to be the ones that disciple and raise their children. We need to seek to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and education will come as God leads. If our focus is instead on education all we will end up doing is bring Plato’s Republic home and in the end all we may produce are polite, well educated humanists.

Even if as Christians we use biblically grounded curriculum if our major focus is on knowledge and not character we will in the end not produce the disciples God has placed in our charge. So let us begin to see our purpose as God sees it and that is to raise godly offspring and that starts with teaching the fear of God. It starts by seeing that we need to homeschool and not simply school at home.

I would strongly suggest you listen to all the MP3s from the 2009 Leadership Summit which you can get here for $4 each: . You can also read Kevin Swanson’s blog post on the conference here: Indianapolis 2009

Here is a list of the talks:
1) For Such a time as This – Kevin Swanson
2) The Battle for Faith and Family – Voddie Baucham
3) A Vision for the Family in the 21st Century – Doug Phillips
4) The Homeschooling Movement in America – Dr. Brian Ray
5) A Trojan Horse and the Enemy’s Counter Strategies – Chris Klicka
6) Homeschooling-Capturing the Vision – Kevin Swanson
7) Harvard or Heaven – Where are We Going? Voddie Baucham
8) Visionary Fathers and the birth of Leadership for the Next Generation – Doug Phillips
9) Leading and Bleeding – Mike Cheney
10) Closing Remarks – Kevin Swanson

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