Sunday, February 28, 2010

Adoniram Judson on Christian Baptism

I recently finished the book Adoniram Judson on Christian Baptism. The book contains a sermon he preached before his baptism in Calcutta in 1812. Also included are letters written by Judson regarding his change in his position on baptism as well as an article by C.H. Spurgeon on baptisim and other material relating to this subject.

What needs to be understood about Judson’s change in position on baptism, from paedobaptism (infant baptism) to credobaptism (believer's baptism), is that this was done after his leaving for India with his support coming from a Congregationalist church that held to paedobaptism.  The letters included in this book reveal that he understood that his change in position would cost him his support but he also knew that what was most important was to be biblically correct. Thus his change was not done flippantly or without cost but was done as a result of him asking himself what scripture said about baptism. We too should ask this same question about all that we believe.

I would encourage both those that hold to infant baptism as well as believer’s baptism to read this book.  It is important to see the struggle that Judson went through as far too many people hold to their view on baptism based more on tradition than themselves doing the hard work of seeking out scripture.  I am not saying this is true of everyone but as with many doctrines far too many people take other people’s conclusions rather than seeing what scripture says for themselves.  Others opinions and finding are important but as with all things we are to take all of this and filter it through God’s word as the final court of arbitration.

In recommending this book my intention is not to start a debate over baptism but to encourage all that hold to whatever position they hold to make sure they themselves have worked through scripture to come to their conclusions.  So, read this book and search out scripture.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (2/26/10)

At the NCFIC Blog there is a post with an excerpt from Scott Brown’s upcoming book on youth ministry: A Child of the Movement. I can relate to this excerpt as I too have been a youth minter and read all the books. The problem was, even if unintentionally, I gave more weight to the pragmatic reasoning of the books over the sufficiency of Scripture to speak to this area, as it speaks to all of faith and practice.

For those of you that are reading, or have read, R.J. Rushdoony’s Law & Liberty, there is now a study guide out, thanks to The Chalcedon Foundation: Law & Liberty Study Guide. This is a great book and one that I would highly recommend.

Over at Voddie Baucham’s blog the February Welcome to the Continuing Collapse (Exposing Government Schools: The Youth Ministry of the State Church of Secular Humanism) by Bruce Shortt has been posted.

At Steve Camp’s blog there is a great sermon by Charles Spurgeon: God’s Will and Man’s Will ….the tension of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. As always I appreciated the words of Spurgeon.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

“How to Build Your Own Business” Resource Kit

Vision Forum is having a great buy on the “How to Build Your Own Business” resource kit. It includes the following:

• Venture Academy: Equipping Christian Entrepreneurs (6 DVDS w/ workbooks)
• The Best of the 2006 Entrepreneurial Bootcamp (20 CDs)
• Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Christian Families (10 DVDs)

They have a 50% of coupon code ( BUSINESSKIT ) that is good until February 26th. The $339.50 (after 50% discount) price is great for the Venture Academy alone but with the other resources it is an even better buy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where We are Heading as a Country

We have been reading R.J. Rushdoony’s book Law & Liberty during our family worship time and it has been a very good book. Last night we read a chapter called The Family and Property and in that chapter is laid out the 10 planks of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Read them for yourself and see how much they sound like our current state of affairs:

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

This is where we are heading, well we may actually be more there than many want to admit. When man turns from God’s law the only place left to turn to is himself and when man turns to himself to legislate life we end up with tyranny. We cannot turn back the tide of Marxism, Socialism, Fascism or any another “-ism” until we turn back to seeing the word of God as all sufficient for all of life. God has called a people to Himself and we need to realize that He has not done this in a vacuum. He has called us and empowered to follow His commands which most glorify Him and in the end benefit us.

Let us turn back to Him and follow His word and not our sin tainted reason. Yes, reason does still exist for the believer and we are to use it but it is to be used in conjunction with His word and His word is to be the arbiter of our reason.

I will post more from Law & Liberty as time permits.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (2/11/10)

We have been watching a DVD series on the history of the Christian Church called From Terror to Triumph by Dr. Marshal Foster. I would highly recommend this series as Dr; Foster shows that in the midst of terror and seemingly overwhelming odds God has continually brought about the triumph of the church.

Thanks to Steve Halbrook’s Theonomy Resource blog here is a good article by Mike Warren on: Some Objections to Postmillennialism Answered.

Over at the NCFIC website Scott Brown lists: Top Ten Things Ungodly Cultures Hate That the Bible Tells Women. Any argument with this list is with God and His word.

You can check out a number of videos from Haiti by Doug Phillips at: Rescue Haiti’s Children. Below is one of the video’s you can find there.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Solid Ground Christian Books

I thought I would post about one of the best book stores, as well as being a publishing company, I know of. Not only do they have great books they also have great prices. This books store is Solid Ground Christian Books in Vestavia Hills Alabama .

I have been buying books from them for some time and highly recommend them, especially for hard to find classics. You will not find fluff in their inventory but will find the type of meat that is all too often avoided but is needed to aid in the building up the body of Christ. Yes, we need to first and foremost read God’s inspired inerrant and sufficient word and if that is all the time you have to read make sure scripture reading fills that time. However it is greatly helpful to read what God has put on the minds of men and women in history and in this area Solid Ground and its owner Michael Gaydosh excel.

Here is what is on their site with regards to who they are:

Solid Ground Christian Books is a publishing company committed to the presentation of the cardinal doctrines of Holy Scripture. Our goal is to spread the fame of the Name of the Lord by finding, uncovering and restoring the best Christian literature from the past and bringing it into the modern world.

We believe that there are many treasured works from the past that the Lord has used in mighty ways, and yet are unavailable to the modern reader. We are always searching for works that have been used by the Holy Spirit in converting, sanctifying and keeping power.

Our desire is to serve the pastors, churches, missionaries, chaplains, the military, professors and students of the 21st century. We will seek to keep our prices fair, and our service prompt, personal and courteous.

Our prayer is that the God of sovereign grace will be pleased to smile upon our efforts to further His kingdom, and that multitudes throughout he world will be forever changed by reading the books we produce.

Soli Deo Gloria — To God Alone Be The Glory!

In order to assure that this publishing business remains on track we have established a Board of Pastoral Reference to oversee the direction of this work. These men have served the Lord faithfully for many years. It is a delight to place their names before you.

-Earl Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, LA
-Richard Denham, Missionary to Brazil for over 50 years
-David Dykstra, Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette, NJ
-Erroll Hulse, Leeds Reformed Baptist Church, Leeds, England
-Peter Jeffery, Libanus Evangelical Church, Morriston, Swansea, Wales
-Tom Lutz, Edgewood Baptist Church, Anderson, IN
-Conrad Mbewe, Kabwata Baptist Church, Zambia, Africa
-Geoff Thomas, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales
-David Vaughn, Missionary to France
-Todd Wilson, Grace Covenant Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL (my pastor)

More than 85 churches have taken advantage of our no risk Church Book Table program. Now your church can participate as well. Contact us for more information. Get started today — call (205) 443-0311 or e-mail

So check out their inventory and for sure to get on their mailing list so you can see the great specials Michael sends out.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Thoughts and Ideas on Future Posts

Thanks to a good friend in Tennessee who has done this on her site I thought I would ask if there are any questions, ideas or topics you would like covered on this blog. They can range from homeschooling to politics to theology or any number of other subjects. Just leave a comment on what you would like covered and I will work on writing some posts on those subjects.

Every subject in some manner deals with theology as it is our understanding about God that informs all we do. One cannot escape the fact that what we believe, or do not believe, about God will in the end drive what we believe about everything else. Thus my posts will seek to see whatever subject that is looked at from a biblical perspective and how it relates to our view of God.

I look forward to your suggestions.

Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Around the Web and Blogosphere (2/2/10)

On the American Vision’s site is an excerpt from Joel McDurmon’s book God versus Socialism: A Biblical Critique of the New Social Gospel called What is the State? One can know who their, or others, God is by who or what they put their trust in and for many that is the state. We live in a time when the state is seen as the solution to all man's problems and God is seen, if at all, as a fall back plan. The state does have a place in God’s economy but it is not the position and place it holds in the US and much of the world today.

While I am sure the substance of these sermons may be difficult for some I think Pastor Weavers Sermons on the Civil War are a must hear. Whether, when you are done with the series, you hold to his views or not the material he provides is that which must be dealt. Since most history is written to broad brush the Civil War so as to make the South bad and the North good and the war being all about slavery Pastor Weaver will shed light on aspects you may not have heard or contemplated. You can download the 14 sermons here. I would also recommend his sermon on the Black Robed Regiment that speaks on the part pastors took in the revolutionary war and stands in stark contrast to today’s call for churches to sit on the sidelines when it comes to politics.

If you like the music of Sovereign Grace Music they are having a great sale this month. The music they produce is $6 for CDs and $5 for downloads, also for orders over $15 shipping is free in the US.

If you would like a source of articles on soteriology check out Caleb’s blog Biblical Soteriology. There are many great articles there.